Friday, December 16, 2011

Friday, December 2, 2011

WTF! What the Fiction

Monkey out of bananas

This is the part project. I made a mokey using bananas. There are yellow, brown, green, and red bananas. This project too alot of layers but it was a pretty fun project. This project is my favorite project so far. The hardest part was making the bananas taking the curve of the monkey's body.

Friday, November 4, 2011

stick figure brush

Here is my brush thingy, is you look really close you can see some faded stick figures. I made my brush as an outline of a stick figure. This was a cool way to make your own brush, this allows me to make anything I want, a brush or as a simple pattern.


This is the picture/painting I am planing on using.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


This is the typography project. I did this project of a pricture of mr. sands while he is holding a tripod. I learned how to path text. I also learned how to group layers. This project took a long time, it wasnt a hard project it was just very annoying. You had to repeat the same steps over and over again.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Allie the monster

This project consisted with making a picture that kindergartners drew and make them into a realistic picture. This project was fun to do because it had you imagine what the monster would look liked. I liked design the label with it. My favorite part in my label is the monster images in the background.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Magazine thingy

This magazine project was a fu and creative project to do. I learned about text and how to color the text differently and to warp the text. I also learned how to rasterize the text in order to change the text into pixels. I like that turn out of the magazine cover with the text and like the backround design for the magazine article. I like the fact that you can download text of the internet in order to use in your project. The hardest part in this project was get everything in the right place.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Retouching 2

The face retouching is an interesting way to change someones apparence if you dont like the way that they look. This project consisted of retouching a model with specific directions and then taking a picture of someone that you knew and retouch them. I like the fact that you can take one image and change it completely. I learned more about the patch tool, red eye tool, and the band-aid tool. This was a harder project because you had to make sure the picture looked right. If you start out with a human you have to end with something that looks human :).

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Another Face Retouch

This project I spent more time on then the last one.This one was a little harder than the last one because her face had more flaws than the blemish girl. I  also darkened her hand to match her darkened face. I aso made her eyes bigger and brighter. This project is pretty amazing on how you can manipulate someones face.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Retouch faces

This was a very interesting project to do. The most difficult part of this project was making sure you got all the blemishs. I learned about the healing tool and the patch tool. If I were to do this again I would just use another person. I think this project is very sucessfull since they use this in magizines.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

What came out of the slap

This was a funny project to do. It was a little hard to get the picture. I think this project was a long but it was a interesting project to do. I like the idea of using a soda exploding to make a splash of something. If I had to do this project again, which I am going to do, I am going to use a tie dye shirt and make it look as if the dye is coming off of the shirt.

Reflecting surface

This project was really cool in how it makes it look as if the object is being reflected. I learned what the gradient tool does, and how to just flip the image and not the whole canvas. If I had to do this project again would try mirroring a scene. I would also try to mirro it on the side and not straight down. The difficult part in the project was getting the gradient tool the way I wanted it. This project was overall fun simple and short.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Sunny Sunglass Color Wheel

I like this overall piece, I like how it took longer than a normal project. This project was overall pretty easy, It was a little hard to come up with ideas, but I got there. The difficult part was having all the different layers and moving the sunglasses one by one. I learned about combinig layers and making the object more definded. If had to do this project over again I would use a different picture.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Colorize Dancer

The final piece is colorful,and brighter. The pieces is sucessful with the blending of the colors. I liked how you can use the threshold tool to take away from the color and make it look as if it was a stencil. Nothing was difficult about this project, it was overall easy. I learned how to colorize a picture and make it look like a stencil.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Tie Dye Bunny



I think i'm seeing quintuple

This project was pretty cool with having mutiple people in one scene. The difficult part in this project was having to erase the right part of the picture,in order to show the layer behind. If I had to do this project again, I would change what the person was doing. I learned that you need to do one layer at a time when doing a project like this. I makes doing this project alot easier.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

So what, i'm different!

I think that this is cute, and a funny way to switch up and make new animals. I think that this picture was pretty good. The most difficult part was trying to get the color of the penguin and the color of the owl to match. If I had to do this over again, I would change the animals up. I learned about how to change the colors and intensity of the objects. I feel like this worked out as a good project in trying to mix and match animals.

List of animals

1.       Tiger: stripes black white or orange, tail.
2.       Monkey: Tail, thumbs, rounded ears.
3.       Panda: black and white, big, fluffy.
4.       Puppy: long/short ears, fur.
5.       Kitty: fur, pointed ears, whiskers.
6.       Penguin:  fuzzy fur, beak, black and white.
7.       Bunny: Long ears, whiskers, fur.
8.       Baby owl: Large eyes, feathers, beak.  
9.       Hedgehog: quills brown.
10.   Mouse: tail, small.

Penguin: Beak: Owl

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Splattered Horse

I think that this project was pretty easy, and helpful. I think this piece was sucessful, I made my plain white horse into a colorful one. I liked the warp tool and how you can change the shape of the color splats. I would change that animal and maybe the color of the splats, if I had to do this again. The most diffiult part in completing this piece was the warp, it wasnt too hard but it took some time geting use to. I learned how to warp and make the backround of a layer darker so that it seems as though it dissapeared.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Frog Tongue

I thought that this doesnt look as realistic as I wanted it to turn out. I feel that this piece is good though, other then it not looking realistic it looks cool. I didnt like the clone stamp cloning in the lips and the teeth when I just wanted the the tongue. If I could change something, I would change the animal or object that the tongue would be. The most difficult part was the clone stamp, since it was annoying. I learned about the clone stamp and the blending of two pictures.

Angry Pancakes

Angry pancakes was a interesting project. At first I thought the project was going to be a little challenging but the tutorial help and made the project easier. I feel that this piece came out better then I thought, being my first time. If I could change something, I would change the objects. I wouldn't use pancakes the next time, I would use something else. I most difficult part in making this picture was bending the picture so that the mouth could fit in the gap of the pancake. I learned alot from this project, I didnt know how to use photoshop before so I learned how to bend the pciture, make two pictures into one, and etc.