Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Splattered Horse

I think that this project was pretty easy, and helpful. I think this piece was sucessful, I made my plain white horse into a colorful one. I liked the warp tool and how you can change the shape of the color splats. I would change that animal and maybe the color of the splats, if I had to do this again. The most diffiult part in completing this piece was the warp, it wasnt too hard but it took some time geting use to. I learned how to warp and make the backround of a layer darker so that it seems as though it dissapeared.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Frog Tongue

I thought that this doesnt look as realistic as I wanted it to turn out. I feel that this piece is good though, other then it not looking realistic it looks cool. I didnt like the clone stamp cloning in the lips and the teeth when I just wanted the the tongue. If I could change something, I would change the animal or object that the tongue would be. The most difficult part was the clone stamp, since it was annoying. I learned about the clone stamp and the blending of two pictures.

Angry Pancakes

Angry pancakes was a interesting project. At first I thought the project was going to be a little challenging but the tutorial help and made the project easier. I feel that this piece came out better then I thought, being my first time. If I could change something, I would change the objects. I wouldn't use pancakes the next time, I would use something else. I most difficult part in making this picture was bending the picture so that the mouth could fit in the gap of the pancake. I learned alot from this project, I didnt know how to use photoshop before so I learned how to bend the pciture, make two pictures into one, and etc.